One of the most important skills in business I've been able to develop over the years is the ability to find my own path. Many people follow the herd. We let other people tell us what we should think and feel, instead of listening to our own instincts and intuition about what we actually think and feel, and acting upon same, in alignment with our own best interests.
In this latter sense, what do your own instincts and intuition tell you about where you are at right now, who you should be around, and the kinds of projects you should be working on/invested in?
This week, don't listen to the news, others around you, or passersby in the street. Instead, try listening and acting upon your own instincts and intuition and take the space you need to make choices for yourself, in your best interests for YOU.
They say, "the world makes way for the (wo)man who knows where(s)he is going."(~Emerson)
Where do you want to go today/this week/this year/this life, for YOU?
This path hasn't always been obvious for me, but once we find and learn to trust this inner compass, everything gets a whole lot easier.
Chad McMillan
Chad McMillan is an independent venture capitalist and creative artist focused on personal growth and exponential entrepreneurship. Connect with Chad at
Many of you here might not yet know much about who I am, some of my life experiences, and why I may have anything of value to add to the conversation around the topics I'm exploring. Learn more about me in this post as I share who I am, and some of the wild ride I've been on thus far...
Being in the markets and working with entrepreneurs, of course the conversation often centers around money. In this post I share some of my philosophy and relationship with money, including different ways that in my experience, you may be able to earn more of it.
Improving our mental health can have profound and lasting impacts on our lives, the lives of those around us, and our communities. In Canada, it is estimated that 20% of Canadians experience problems with their mental health in any given year, and half of the population has faced some level of mental health issues by the time they turn 40. In this post I share tips and strategies that I've used over the years to improve my own mental health, which I feel may help you on your journey as well.